He sighed, continuing, "It appears that she tried to take the brunt of Grovyle's attacks, likely because their matching types would make the moves less effective on her. The amount of blood she lost… at this point, her immune system will be too weak to handle something as simple as a cold without leaving her…" he trailed off, unwilling to complete the sentence, before shaking his head.
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Unlike Paula, Laura's ribs were broken, and on some parts of her body her skin was so cut up that it resembled ribbons. "When that… that criminal," Chatot spat the word out with venom, "threw her to the side at the end of the fight, he broke her arm. "What's the matter with her?" Chimecho whispered in despair. "Hey, hey! You're joking, right? There's no way that's true!" Corphish begged. He was very quiet when he gravely answered, "Laura… I am honestly fearful of her chances for survival." "Laura, however…"Įveryone glanced at each other, sharing looks of terror, before Sunflora asked, "O-oh my gosh… what's… what's wrong with Laura?"Ĭhatot had to look away and take a shaky breath. But the relief was short-lived when everyone saw how Chatot's face had rapidly drained of color and he had to close his eyes. "Aside from that, Paula will be fine once she gets over her exhaustion."Įveryone sighed in relief. But it was very close," Chatot explained. "Yes, thank Arceus, her pouch wasn't damaged. If anyone in the guild could empathize with Paula about such an injury, it would be Croagunk. After all, the poison glands of a croagunk were similar to the electrical pouches of a pikachu in that both were in roughly the same area on the cheeks, and if something damaged them it would either severely lessen the amount and power of the electric/poison attacks that could be produced or it would leave the pokémon unable to use any electric/poison attacks at all. "Is… is her electrical pouch okay?" Croagunk asked, showing an out-of-the-ordinary amount of compassion. She also has a large number of gashes, the largest being the one across her cheek-likely resulting from Grovyle trying to injure one of her electrical pouches-and the one on her upper arm." Her ribs aren't broken, but they are heavily bruised. "Paula… appears to have taken a great number of blows to the chest. Once he had composed himself, he launched into his explanation.

"And… and Team Rainbow?" he asked.Ĭhatot closed his eyes and took a big breath.

He'll be fine after he rests."ĭugtrio gulped. Whatever he did to set up that crystal barrier almost completely drained him of energy, so it wouldn't have taken a lot of effort to beat him. He had some gashes and bruising from where he fell to the ground, but it's mostly exhaustion. It was silent until Dugtrio found the strength to ask what was on everyone's minds. When they noticed his appearance in the room, all talking ceased as they quickly gathered around him. When he exited into the main area, he saw that the apprentices were huddling together in small groups, quietly talking among themselves. Chatot sighed, giving one last glance towards the room before shaking his head and slowly making his way down the hallway.